Whether you are an individual or small business, consider tax strategies that allow you to maximize your earnings.

Buy and sell with confidence. Guiding you through the tax consequences and the tax challenges.

Setting up your business properly and choosing the right business structure are crucial to your success.
SUMMARY OF FEDERAL TAX UPDATES FOR THE 2024 TAX YEARThe highlights of your 2024 FEDERAL taxes (based on the 2018-2025 TCJA and changes for 2024): Tax Rate: The maximum individual rate is 37% and the corporate rate is a flat 21%. These individual and corporate rates originate from the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that are mostly valid thru the 2025 tax year. Standard Deduction for 2024: $14,600 for Single (+$1,950 if 65+ yrs old), $29,200 for Married Filing Jointly taxpayers (+$1,950 if 65+), and $21,900 for Head of Household (+$1,950 if 65+). Personal exemption deductions are not used. Child Tax Credit (CTC) for 2024: The credit was reset in 2022 and continues in 2024 as: $2,000 per child less than 17 yrs old, and each non-child dependent can continue to receive a credit of $500. The elevated levels from 2021 were temporary & are no longer provided, including the advanced payments and the increased age limit. $2,000 Child Tax Credit amount is still phased out (reduced) between $400K and $440K AGI (MFJ), & between $200K and $240K (all others). Refundable: Up to $1,700 of the $2K CTC is refundable in 2024. Dependent Care Credit for 2024: As in 2022, claimable expenses have been reset back to $3K/$6K max in 2024 (for 1 dependent/2 or more); The credit given is 20% of that at $45K AGI and above; Children less than 13 yrs old; Does NOT include tutors in 2024; and It is NOT refundable in 2024. and taxpayers can exclude $5,000 of employer-provided dependent care assistance from their income in 2024. Eliminated Deductions (no changes for 2024): You are NOT ALLOWED to deduct: Schedule A taxes (state income tax, real estate tax, and personal property taxes, combined) above $10,000 per year; Moving expenses (with an exception for certain military); Employee unreimbursed business expenses such as mileage, travel, entertainment, home office expenses, union dues, tax preparation fees, and investment fees, among others; Mortgage interest beyond $750,000 of new acquisition debt if you purchase a home (purchased on or after Dec 16, 2017; $1 million if prior to that date); and Mortgage interest paid on equity debt unless the loan is used to "buy, build, or substantially improve" the home. Benefits for Individuals for 2024: These benefits include: The unreimbursed medical expense AGI threshold is still 7.5% for all ages. The AMT phase-out threshold is still significantly increased, so fewer middle-income taxpayers will be subject to AMT; The estate tax exclusion is increased to $13 million per individual in 2024; and The annual gift tax exclusion is increased to $18,000 for 2024, and the maximum tax rate on the amount of gifts above that exclusion is 40%. Small Business Benefit, QBI deduction continues for 2024: 20% deduction from net business income (Qualified Business Income) for a sole proprietorship, LLC (excluding those taxed as a C corporation), partnership, S corporation, and rental activity. The rules are complex but we can work to maximize this deduction for you.
2024 TAX DUE DATESFor reporting 2024 taxes due in 2025 Form.......................................................................................Filing Due Dates in 2025 Form 1040-ES - Q4 estimated tax payment due.............................January 15 Form W-2 (electronic or mail).................................................January 31 Form 1065 – Partnerships..................................................................March 15 Form 1120S – S Corporations...........................................................March 15 Form 1040 – Individuals & deadline contribute to 2024 IRA............April 15 FinCEN 114 – FBAR (will be allowed to extend).................................April 15 Form 1041 – Trusts and Estates.........................................................April 15 Form 1120 – C Corporations............................................................April 15 Form.........................................................................................Extension Due Dates in 2025 Form 1065 Extended Return........................................................... September 15 Form 1120S Extended Return......................................................... September 15 Form 1041 Extended Return............................................................October 1 Form 1120 Extended Return............................................................October 15 Form 1040 Extended Return............................................................October 15 FinCEN 114 - FBAR (Extended with Form 1040)................................October 15 Form 990 Series Extended Return....................................................November 17 Form 5500 Series Extended Return..................................................November 17
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Christy is your neighborhood CPA located in San Ramon, CA. She specializes in tax preparation services for individuals and small businesses.
With over 25 years of tax experience, Christy Smith is a seasoned CPA who is more than just your tax planner. She is your true advocate who is ready to help with all of your individual and small business tax needs: Tax planning & preparation, IRS representation, estate & trust tax preparation, business advisory services, business entity selection, and other unique tax situations.
Christy and her team's mission is to provide exceptional tax preparation & consulting services and to help clients navigate the ever changing tax, financial and regulatory world.